Hello Friends! Our entryway was definitely a comprise I had to make when we decided to buy this house. Currently, our garage is detached from our house. The long term plan is to connect the garage and house with a mudroom or an actual entryway space. Until that time comes, I had to come up with a temporary solution that still is functional, organized, and efficient for everyday use.
We do have this small closet that really does work pretty well for us right now, because it is just Sky and I. I do anticipate when kids join the picture, this small closet will quickly become stuffed and overcrowded. To give a little more room in this closet, I also rotate our coats by seasons and put the off season coats downstairs in our storage room. The top shelf holds a large bin that I put stuff in that needs to go to Goodwill. When the bin gets full, I drop the stuff off at Goodwill. I got this bin at the Target dollar spot section for 3 bucks. Have I mentioned how much I love that little space in Target! I absolutely cannot go into Target without snooping through that section. There are so many good buys there I can’t even believe it!
We have a key hanger hung on the side wall, where we keep extra spare keys. Cecil’s collar and leash also get hung here so it is easy to grab before heading out the front door. Sky built the lower shelves out of some extra wood we had laying around to give us more shoe and hat storage. Have I also mentioned how much I love how handy my husband is. One Saturday I said I want a couple more shelves in this closet to add additional shoe storage and a couple hours later this is what I got. Not too bad for being completely free!
Right beside the closet I have this accent entry table I found at Target for 30% off. I decided to go with blue to add a little pop of color to the space. Even if I decide in the future to not have a piece of furniture here, I will definitely be able to find another spot in the house for this so I think it was a wise purchase for sure.
The white bins that fill the cabinet I purchased at Dollar Tree for a dollar each. I love any excuse to add labels to an area of the house. My favorite bin is definitely the “To Return” bin! Anytime something needs to be returned to a store it goes in this bin with the receipt. I also use this bin if we take leftovers from a family’s house and use one of their containers that needs to be returned to them. My mom and I share magazine subscriptions because we both love magazines so much. After I am done reading a magazine I put it in this bin to take to her the next time we go to their house or they come for a visit. I don’t like to forget things like that so this system is a good reminder without having the visual clutter sitting around.
Sitting on top of the cabinet is a cute little sign and night light. Also, we have this beautiful wooden bowl we got as a wedding gift that holds our everyday keys and a few other miscellaneous things. Hanging on the wall above the cabinet is one of my favorite things in the whole house. I found this old window at an antique sale for a couple bucks. We spray painted with chalkboard spray paint pieces of plexiglass to fit the openings. I love that I can switch out the different sayings by season or mood!
So there ya have it! For around $150 I have transformed this space into a functional beautiful entry way!