This room has been such a labor of love and so many emotions and emotional energy has taken place in this room. For decades, I have dreamt of decorating a nursery for my daughter. Once we found out our daughter Evelyn, was a girl, I was thrilled and had so many ideas on how to make this room special. After Evelyn passed away and we got pregnant with Eloise I knew I wanted to keep the room mostly the same. It remains a very special part of our house and a way we can keep Evelyn’s spirit with us. We have a mix of old, new and sentimental pieces. Let me share all the things we did!

The crib, we purchased from Wayfair before Hank was born. Unfortunately, it is no longer in stock but it has served us well. I knew I wanted a name sign, so I found this one off for a very reasonable price. The paper flowers I made myself but purchased this template off Etsy. About $13, pair of scissors, hot glue gun, and many many hours was all it took to get these beautiful flowers!

These signs in the pink frames are so very special to me. They are from a calendar my mom gave me when I was in college and I just loved to read each uplifting message each month. I have saved them all these years and thought they would be a perfect thing to pass along. The canvas sign in the middle is from Hobby Lobby. My mother and father-in-law gave us the chair from Target as a gift before Hank was born.

This dresser was Skylar’s when he was little. Before that, Skylar’s mom had it when she was a little girl. When it was in Sue’s room it was painted a turquoise color and then my in-laws stripped it and stained it for Skylar’s room. So, to say this dresser has seen a lot of love and elbow grease is an under-statement. I decided to paint it a beautiful pink color. Also, I added wallpaper to the sides of the drawers and love how it ties in with the wallpaper on the wall.

Right away, I knew I wanted wallpaper on a wall in here and this was the inspiration for the whole room. The changing table was purchased off facebook marketplace for $10. It was quite a steal!

After Evelyn passed away, this room was a way for me to feel close to her and remember all the many hours I spent preparing this room with her in my belly. There were so many hopes and dreams we had for our sweet little girl, and we find comfort knowing that there is a part of big sister watching over Eloise as she grows up and creates so many beautiful memories. I have spent some of the best hours of my life rocking our precious baby Eloise to sleep and some of the worst hours of my life sobbing on the floor and mourning Evelyn passing away. I hope you love this room as much as we do!

Just for good measure, here is the little cutie that occupies this room.