Hello everyone! Today I am showing you how I organize under my kitchen sink. When we renovated our kitchen one of my must have items was a large farmhouse sink. Let me tell you! It was the best decision we made. I love having a huge open sink and don’t miss the divider one bit. It just makes it so much easier to wash large pots, trash cans, totes, and so much more. With that being said, we compromised a lot of under the sink space. I had to get really creative with this cabinet, but I think I have really maximized the space to the best of its ability.

First off, the picture angles are going to be a little funky. Our island is right across from the cabinet a few feet away so the pictures had to be taken off to the side. Carrying on….on one of the cabinet doors we have installed a paper towel holder. We rarely use paper towels so there was no need to keep them out on the counter. On the other cabinet door I have this little rack that I hung with command hooks. I keep our wood floor spray, dish soap, and a glass jar to pour leftover grease.
Starting on the left side, we have our fly swatter hanging at the top with command hooks. Under that I keep this clear plastic bin from The Container Store to hold overflow extra items. Extra dish soaps, hand soap, wash clothes, etc. Right beside that I have 2 stacked pull out drawers. They are actually these shoe drawers also, from The Container Store. The top drawer holds our everyday towels and wash cloths. The bottom drawer holds my seasonal decorative towels and a little basket with miscellaneous sinks plugs and ant bait.
Right beside that is a small bucket with miscellaneous and extra scrubbers. Next, I have this fruit fly trap that I ordered from Grove. Last year we had a terrible problem with fruit flies so this year I am ready for them! Lastly, I have these 2 OXO containers for extra sponges/magic erasers and dishwasher tablets. I store extra dishwashing tablets in the back behind these containers.

Another difficulty was working around the garbage disposal, water filter, and all the cords and hoses that go along with those items. I feel we have really utilized this cabinet to the best of its ability.
Well there ya have it! A quick rundown of under our kitchen sink. I hope this gives you some inspiration and ideas if you too have a tiny area to work with.